
  • Civilla homepage screenshot



    next.js, react, craft, sql, apache server

    Fully customizable organizational site for Civilla, a non-profit design studio reimagining public institutions

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  • Osborne NY homepage screenshot

    Osborne NY


    reactJS, craft, sql, apache server

    Fully customizable organizational site for Osborne, a nonprofit organization that serves individuals, families, and communities affected by the criminal justice system.

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  • Path to 100k homepage screenshot

    Path to 100k


    gatsby.js, react, craft, sql, apache server

    Scrolling, animated site with CMS to customize modules and internal pages.

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  • PTP toolkit homepage screenshot

    Power the Polls Toolkit


    react, craft, sql, apache server

    Platform for dynamically creating SVGs with custom text, logos and colors to download and use on social media.

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  • the refugee project screenshot

    The Refugee Project


    d3, javascript, craft, sql, apache server

    Data visualizations of real time refugee data to map refugee migrations through history. Built in collaboration.

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  • Grand Challenges homepage screenshot

    Grand Challenges


    gatsby.js, react, craft, sql, apache server

    Customized organizational site with scrolling, animation on homepage and full page transitions.

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  • Mass Bail Out campaign homepage screenshot

    Mass Bail Out


    javascript, craft, sql, apache server

    Scrolling site with CMS to customize modules and internal pages.

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  • Zwikker and Zacher homepage screenshot

    Zwikker & Zacher site


    Sass, javascript (es6), minimal php

    Website design and wordpress theme build for boutique jewelry company.

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Full stack web developer working on
social impact based projects.

Currently, Freelance & Hyperakt

Previously, Canvas United


* For more examples of work please contact me directly.